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Latest News

  • Cultural diversity: Supporting students 13-10-2024

    "Inclusion is about more than just words; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance, regardless of cultural background. It's crucial that we embrace diversity and celebrate the rich...

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  • What's on this week: Term 4 Week 1 21-09-2024

    Monday- Welcome back to Term 4!- A special welcome to Mrs Keshia Marshall who joins us in 1/2 C and as Acting AP this term- All students are to wear their hats every day this term Tuesday -...

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  • What's on? Term 3 Week 9 14-09-2024

    What’s on?  Term 3 Week 9 Welcome to Week 9! Monday Welcome Emma (Centacare) Tuesday Newsletter School Council Meeting 6:00 pm Wednesday Choir: 9:00 - 9:30 a.m Music & PE Thursday Lunch orders due by...

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  • Acknowledgement of Country

    St Mary’s Corowa acknowledges and pays respects to the traditional custodians, past, present and emerging, of this land of the Wiradjuri people. Who long before us lived, loved and raised their children on this land. We also acknowledge all the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in our community and acknowledge their physical and spiritual connections to their land. We come together to learn, to share and to journey together.